Director Mike Nichols
Starring: Matthew Broderick, Christopher Walken
Screenplay by Neil Simon -- from a Neil Simon play
sez says: This was a big disappointment. We saw the play performed recently and really liked it a lot. Simon is a very clever fellow and his work--while popular--is still insightful and very funny. But this piece did not make the transition from play to movie --even with Simon doing the screenplay. Broderick did not make a convincing character -- he didn't --or the scrip didn't --have the insightful self observation that is so important to the play. It is as if the story got opened-up to wide. It needs to be in a clearly defined place. Even Walken, who can play a crazy person as well an anyone, was tamped down--maybe it was the direction. There is one very funny part, when Broderick goes to visit Rowena (to lose his virginity) his awkwardness is filmed with fine finesse. But that is not nearly enough to make the movie half the fun of the play. GRADE D+
15 years ago